Forest Lodge Silbermühle                                        

The valley of the stream Silberbach is named Silberbachtal. The valley is located at the foot of a mountain called Verlmerstod. It is one of the most romantic forests in the county of Lippe. In a steep valley, protected by massive old trees, the little stream finds its way through dark boulders and rocks and mighty freestone formations. When the sun is touching the bottom of the valley the water gets the shine of molten silver. In the early 18th Century there was mining activity in the valley for silver but the results were not really spectacular. The true value of the river was not silver but the power of the water and a special sandstone called Osningsandstein. The stone and the power of the water were the ingredients for a small industry, which existed in the 17th and 18th century in the valley.

There were several mills for processing corn and others to sharpen metal as well as such which were processing materials like felts and woolen fabrics.


